This is how exceptions are handled

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This is how, the "Controller" part of FileNet Workplace's implementation of MVC pattern, handles exceptions:

First, declare this:

[java] private Exception configureWindowIdException = null; [/java]

Then, in ConfigurePage function, do this:

[java] public void configurePage(ServletContext applicationValue, HttpServletRequest request, long windowIdMode) throws Exception { ... skipped ... configureWindowId(request);

  //  If configureWindowId constructed an exception, throw it.
  if ( configureWindowIdException != null  )
       if ( !sp.isSignedIn() )
           // We attempted to propogate a window Id when not signed in
           // probably the result of signing out of an info page.
           // Don't throw.  Fix the windowId to mainWindow instead.
           WindowID assignedId = new WindowID(null);
           WindowID currentId  = new WindowID(null);

           assignWindowId(assignedId, currentId, false);
           postProcessWindowId(assignedId, currentId, currentId,
                               false, false, false, false, false);
           throw configureWindowIdException;
      ... skipped ...



What about good old try-catch?

There is no proper exception handling in Workplace. Should I send this piece to The Daily WTF?

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