Software Architecture in Practice. Part 2.

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After third example based on non-functioning code I dropped reading "Software Architecture in Practice". I can provide more practice that authors of that book provided. There is no point continue reading that book if I have other software architecture books to read.

Tomorrow would be a big day for work project - management does big software architecture presentation.

We finally selected J2EE as platform choice. This is because all the infrastructure needed for out flexible project is available on Java side. We need to use xslt templates so our html pages would be really flexible - Cocoon2 is for that. We need a flexible way to manage our business logic - Struts is for that. And we need to scale our code up in future with no rewriting - J2EE for that.

I always inclined for MS solutions, but here is the perfect example why have chosen J2EE over .Net. Flexibility of solution and less license costs are the major players here.

Now I need to put more J2EE specific methods into my model. I wonder how Enterprise Architect would be able to switch my classes to Java and database to MySQL.

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